In all there are 12 such cross combinations are available with the centre. For this segregating population of inter-species crosses of herbaceum and arborium are at advanced stage of evaluation. Similarly, for herbaceum cotton efforts are being made to improve fibre quality. This centre is possessing 94 elite germplasms and segregating generation, out of which desirable combination are being made. Experimental variety RB-507, RB-524, RB-548, RB-557 are in advance stage of testing.

The centre is engaged in developing American cotton varieties for rainfed cultivation and early maturing varieties to fit in double cropping pattern. Pigeonpea is also taken as intercrop in G. Maize is traditional crop and soybean a new oil crop of the zone mostly followed in various ratios. In rainfed cultivation of cotton farmer adopted intercropping practices. Attack of insect pests from very beginning to last leads to lower down yield, quality and increases cost of cultivation. Sowing for both command and rainfed areas commenced at onset of monsoon since canal opening is rabi based. Besides this there is private hybrid also in the cultivation practices. Public vareity like LRA-5166 and hybrid H-8, H-6 and DCH-32 are in major area. Improved seed in major area is being utilized. hirsutum is being cultivated where as cultivation of G. It is being cultivated in both irrigated as well as rainfed situation.

This zone has characteristically undulated topography, moderate temperature during winter, small holdings of land and rainfed agriculture, which results in poor productivity and profitability of cropping system are far bellow the state and national averages.Ĭotton is an important cash crop being cultivated in southern part of Rajasthan. This region of the state inhabitated by the rural mass, predominantly by the schedule tribes having very poor socio-economic status owing to poor returns from agriculture as it is the main source of livelihood. This centre of AICCIP lies in southern part of Rajasthan which is popularly known as humid southern plain zone or zone IV-b in terms of agro-climatic zones of Rajasthan.